Fall Classes/Workshops: Drawing Essentials, Artistic Anatomy, Extreme Drawing , Mixed Media Intensive
FOUR WEEK SESSIONS*: (note the revised class schedule is effective 9/12/2012)
Drawing Essentials – Session One (introductory course). Add the fundamentals of drawing to your creative toolbox. This class will introduce you to a range of drawing media and techniques, and introduce elements of composition and design. Meets on Wednesday: October 3,10,17, and 24 from 6:30 - 8:30 pm. Ages: teens (ages 16 and older) and adults. Please call ahead or email to reserve your space and obtain a materials list. $160 plus supplies.
Instructor: Christina Barber
Ph: 907.952.2179
Email: [email protected]
Artistic Anatomy – (introductory course). Working from the live model, you will develop your drawing skills and understanding of the form via gesture drawing, structural anatomy, proportions and composition. Meets on Friday: October 5,12,19, and 26 from 6:30 - 8:30 pm. Ages: adults, and teens with parental consent. Please call ahead or email to reserve your space and obtain a materials list. $190 plus supplies (includes $30 model fee).
Instructor: Christina Barber
Ph: 907.952.2179
Email: [email protected]
Extreme Drawing – (intermediate/advanced course). Think studio-play-time and have fun experimenting with drawing and wet media techniques. Discover new ways of expressing yourself while being challenged by rigorous drawing exercises designed to push your studio practice to the next level. Meets on Monday: October 1, 8, 15, and 22 from 6:30 – 8:30 pm. Ages: teens (ages 16 and older) and adults. Please call ahead or email to reserve your space and obtain a materials list. $160 plus supplies.
Instructor: Christina Barber
Ph: 907.952.2179
Email: [email protected]
*Registration for four week sessions continues through first meeting of each class
Mixed Media Intensive – (beginning/intermediate course). Participants will explore and experiment with various mixed media materials and methods to develop an art piece. Ages: adults and teens. September 29th: 10 :30 am to 1:30 pm; September 30th: 12:30 to 5pm. Please call ahead or email to reserve your space and obtain a materials list. $160 plus supplies
Instructor: Indra Arriaga
Ph: 907.952.1959
Email: [email protected]